Es war eine sehr schöne Woche hier in Zollikofen! A lot has happened in one week, wow! It has also been quite the rainy week. All I can say is that I'm glad it's not as hot as back home!
Montag- in the morning we taught Augusto, a Portuguese investigator, some German and read in the Book of Mormon together. He doesn't speak any German or English but he has already made so much improvement the past three weeks that I've been here! After that we finished studies, ate lunch, and then went to the church to write emails and relax. That night we had an appointment with the Von Allmen family (there are two and they are not related.) It was real good! We had some really good Swiss bread with a bunch of different condiments to go on it!
Dienstag- we had zone conference in Zürich, since Switzerland isnsomewhat small. We have a "GA" (an unlimited ticket for any train in Switzerland, including boats.) We go to Zürich instead of Bern. It was really good and I got to see all the Europeans from my MTC group, other than two sisters. That took up all of our day.
Mittwoch- in the morning we met with Augusto and taught him more German. We always read a chapter in the Book of Mormon, in German. We are currently at chapter 1 Nephi 5. Then we went to a member appointment with the Mecurio's. They have some less active kids that we are trying to work with, so we got to know them a little bit better. Then we went by on some people but no one was home. We saw some members by the church so we talked with them and found out that they were doing a primary activity in the forest behind the temple. They invited us so we went home and changed. It was a lot of fun. We played capture the flag and cops & robbers. After we cooked sausages and marshmallows over a fire.
Donnerstag- we met with Augusto, again! Hahaha…We only meet with him so much because he doesn't do anything and he lives in the same apartment building as us. He is super cool so we go over about three to four times a week.
Samstag- we played soccer with the Filbrandt kids, which was really fun! After we went and had an appointment at their house, which was really good! The father is less active and we have been meeting with him one on one to try and help him. He gave really good answers during our spiritual thought! :) Their family is really cool! Their daughter is actually in the France Lyon mission, which is where one of my friends is going so that's cool! After that we had weekly planning.
Sonntag- we had GMK and then church. Sacrament meeting was pretty good. Elder Kilgore gave a talk on receiving answers from God, which turned out pretty well. After church we had a member appointment at the Mössner's. It was so fun! We played some fun games with the kids and got to know them pretty well. After that we went to sister Peterli's/Bucher's to sign some letters they were sending to some less actives about the Mormon tabernacle choir in Zürich.
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