Montag- so there was a sale for Trachten clothes here in Linz. My comp. didn't have Lederhose yet so we planned on getting him some. But Elder Bowers from Wels didn't have any either so they came to Linz to get some too. They also had a sale on Dirndls so the Aisters also came, haha! It was a party! So they got their Lederhosen and I got a shirt
for mine. We are having district today and we are all wearing lederhosen/Dirndls! :D After shopping, for Trachten Welt, we all emailed at McDonalds. Then we went by on a less active but he wasn't home so we found the rest of the day.
Dienstag- we had district meeting in the morning which went well. Afterwards we all at Vapianos. Then we were going to have a lesson with a new investigator, Bismark, from Ghana, but it got rescheduled for Wednesday. Then we met up with the A.P.'s for an hour finding tausch because they were staying the night in Haag. Elder Hunt has never got
to tausch with me. So I went with elder Hunt and Elder Walker went with Elder Albrecht. It was honestly one of the greatest things! I probably learned more about how to find in that hour then I ever learned by myself! They are so good!!!!! Elder Hunt is one of my biggest examples and is what I want to strive to be as a missionary. We got this super cool potential Merlina. Elder Hunt asked her, "if you could ask God any question what would it be?" She said, "why do I exist?" She is such a bro, haha, that is the only way to
describe her. But after they left we went by on three members but none of them were home. And that was the rest of our day. Also on our way home some guy on the straßenbahn randomly gave us Swiss chocolate! It was awesome! :)
Mittwoch- after studies we went by on a few more members but that didn't work out. Then we had our lesson with Bismark. The lesson was on the restoration and went quite well. He is very faithful. Then we made our Fortschritts Bericht and had GMK. GMK was pretty useless cause our ward mission leader wasn't there so we didn't get anything done. Then we went home and had dinner and planned.
Donnerstag- right after lunch we went and helped our bishops dad set up his Eiskönig ice cream shop for the summer! The best part is that he gives us free ice cream! :D Then we found the rest of the day. We talked to so many people!!! No one really wanted to listen so we weren't able to get any Potential Untersucher... what matters is that we give everyone the chance! :) But yeah we got wrecked finding, hahaha.
Freitag- after studies we found then went by on some members! The members didn't have time so after that we had weekly planning and that was our day.
Samstag- after studies we had and eating appointment with Achim and Louis Erlacher. They are awesome! Louis is from England but speaks German really well. Achim was born and raised in Linz. They even got us root beer which I haven't had in forever! The food was also amazing! After, we went finding then we were going to have an appointment with Merlina but her phone doesn't really work so we couldn't get a hold of her. After that it was time to go home.
Sonntag- choir was good. We sang in sacrament meeting. The Persians came to church so that was good, haha! We had two African investigators from Nigeria there also. They want to become members! One of them, Rogar, came to church last week and liked it so much that he brought his friend Christopher this time. There was also a really cool guy
from Ghana that was a refugee to Austria. He was baptized into this ward in 1991. He lives back in Ghana now. He is really active and has been through the Temple. He is the only African I know that speaks good German. He is so funny! He is really good friends with the ward members so he goes up to them and says, "My brutha!!!", hahaha. After
church we had another eating appointment. I know crazy right! It was with Emil Ivanovski our less active from Macedonia. He is someone I will definitely miss! Him and his wife made us Easter baskets to thank us for working on their house. Emil showed us the blueprints for what it's going to look like when it's done. He wants me to come back after my mission to see. After we ate we shared the new Easter video the church made and went home for studies.
The spiritual thought today is on receiving answers. I recently watched a devotional thing with Elder Rasband and he said something about receiving an answer that I really liked. It goes really well with another spiritual thought I sent about Abrahams servant. A lot of
the time we don't know what to do. So naturally we go to the Lord. I've caught myself a lot of the time asking a question then sitting back and waiting for it to be answered. If you want to get an answer map out a plan first and then ask the Lord. It wasn't until Nephi was on his way to retrieve the plates that he received an answer of what to do. And if we have two good decisions choose one and if it's wrong the Lord will let you know. Sometimes when we go down the wrong road and find out it's wrong and get back on the right road. It's the best way to have assurance as we go on that we are on the right road.
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