Montag- on Monday we got Elder Walkers hair cut, emailed then had an eating appointment with the Obermayers in Ansfelden.
Dienstag- we had district meeting then Elder Bensing and I went back to Wels for a Tausch. Our Tausch was great and I learned a lot which is always good! We had two lessons that night then did some finding.
Mittwoch- The next day we took a train back to Linz Tausched then Elder Walker and I got picked up by Lukas for an eating appointment with his family. Man I love that kid! It was a really good meal and we got some pictures with their family. After that we went dooring with two of our ward missionaries.
Donnerstag- I was sick so we stayed in until later that day because we had a lesson with Rogar but it fell through.
Freitag- we went to the church and had studies with Klaus and Lukas. After that we drove around in the country going by on members and did some finding. It was so cool and also pretty! It was probably the most productive day I've had on the mission.
Samstag- in the morning we had transfer calls! I'm staying for a fifth transfer in Linz and my new companion is Elder Bensing!! :D We are already good friends and I'm looking forward to being his comp! Elder Walker is going to Pforzheim Germany. After studies we went finding, did weekly planning then ate at Burgerista for dinner because it's Elder Walkers last time.
Sonntag- Sunday was good we blessed the sacrament for the first time with Lukas! :) Then the Persians were confirmed by Hadi from Hamburg Germany. It was done in their mother language so that was really cool for them. Elder Walker gave his farewell testimony. Hadi told us that there are four missionaries in the Berlin mission learning Persian. Some of us are also learning Persian! It's amazing how humble some of them are.
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