Hello everyone! This week has been a real great one! Mainly because of transfers and I got a new companion. It seems to keep getting colder here. My new companion is Elder Walker. My old companion left to Klagenfurt in the Alps. We spend the transfer day in Salzburg and I got to see both of my MTC companions again!!!
Montag (Monday)- We went to Pöstlingberg. It is so beautiful up there. It looks over all of Linz. We even saw a huge buck and two doe. After that we took a Straßenbahn to McDonald's so we could email. That didn't work out so good, my entire email got deleted... (Face palm) hahaha but alles Gute! Then we went to the Barandstätter's for Abendessen which was good.
Dienstag (Tuesday)- We had a joint teach with Markus. I went really good! We watched the Restoration in German. After the lesson we had Distriktsversammlung and went dooring north of the Donau. Then had a lesson with Mehdi! He is a potential we met on the street.
Mittwoch (Wednesday)- In the morning we went to the Deutsch course for the Persians. We played Egyptian rat screw and Uno with them after. We went dooring until GMK (ward mission correlation meeting).
Donnerstag (Thursday)- We took a train to Salzburg in the morning and said goodbye to my comp! My two MTC comps and me went around Salzburg together and of course did some missionary work. It is so awesome to see my MTC comps!!! I almost missed the train back to Linz! haha but I made it. When we got back to Linz I took my new companion finding to show him around.
Freitag (Friday)- We got Elder Walker his vorteilskarte, went finding and did weekly planning.
Samstag (Saturday)- There was another Deutsch course and after we had a lesson with the Persians. After that we went finding and came back for dinner.
Sonntag (Saturday)- We ate at the Erlacher's after church. They had taco soup, which was so good!! :) We had to walk home because Elder Walker can't get a monatskarte until we anmeld him. It was about 5 miles but it was good because we got to know each other a lot better!
Montag (Monday)- We went to Pöstlingberg. It is so beautiful up there. It looks over all of Linz. We even saw a huge buck and two doe. After that we took a Straßenbahn to McDonald's so we could email. That didn't work out so good, my entire email got deleted... (Face palm) hahaha but alles Gute! Then we went to the Barandstätter's for Abendessen which was good.
Dienstag (Tuesday)- We had a joint teach with Markus. I went really good! We watched the Restoration in German. After the lesson we had Distriktsversammlung and went dooring north of the Donau. Then had a lesson with Mehdi! He is a potential we met on the street.
Mittwoch (Wednesday)- In the morning we went to the Deutsch course for the Persians. We played Egyptian rat screw and Uno with them after. We went dooring until GMK (ward mission correlation meeting).
Donnerstag (Thursday)- We took a train to Salzburg in the morning and said goodbye to my comp! My two MTC comps and me went around Salzburg together and of course did some missionary work. It is so awesome to see my MTC comps!!! I almost missed the train back to Linz! haha but I made it. When we got back to Linz I took my new companion finding to show him around.
Freitag (Friday)- We got Elder Walker his vorteilskarte, went finding and did weekly planning.
Samstag (Saturday)- There was another Deutsch course and after we had a lesson with the Persians. After that we went finding and came back for dinner.
Sonntag (Saturday)- We ate at the Erlacher's after church. They had taco soup, which was so good!! :) We had to walk home because Elder Walker can't get a monatskarte until we anmeld him. It was about 5 miles but it was good because we got to know each other a lot better!